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How does Delta 8 feel? What is the difference between Delta 8 and the cannabis plant?

We have discussed what causes a high in Delta 8 THC. Let’s look at the Delta 8 THC feeling.

What Does Delta 8 THC Feel Like? Does Delta 8 Feel Like Weed?

Delta 8 is not a weed-like feeling. Delta 8 is instead found between CBD and Delta 9, on the “high” scale. It is stronger than CBD but milder than Delta 9.

It’s sometimes called “diet marijuana” by cannabis enthusiasts, as the high you get from it isn’t as intense as that of Delta 9.

Our customers and many users have reported the following health benefits from Delta 8 THC:

  • A mild, euphoric sensation
  • Enjoy full-body relaxation
  • Feelings of joy
  • Calmness
  • Pain relief
  • Increased focus
  • A sense of well-being

Delta 8 THC can help you stay calm and relaxed throughout the day. It can also make you feel numb, but it is unlikely you will end up on your couch for hours. Although the Delta 8 THC sensation is mild, it can be different for each person. Delta 8 THC can be taken and you can still do your regular activities, but with an extra boost of energy. Benefits may vary depending on the individual’s nervous system.

Most Common Side Effects

There are possible side effects; one of these side effects is dry mouth. Individuals will experience different effects depending on how much Delta 8 THC they take. Delta 9 THC users are not usually described as being couch-locked, unlike Delta 9.

What Is the Average Delta 8 THC High?

The effects of Delta 8 THC may last for a few hours. However, it can last between 3-8 hours depending on how you consume the drug, your tolerance level, and genetics. The feeling can last for longer at higher doses.

This article was written by a CBD Specialist at Uplift CBD. At Uplift CBD, we strive to provide our customers with the highest level of satisfaction by providing the best quality products.

We source our naturally occurring cannabinoids from only premium USA hemp farms. Our Delta 8 flower is handmade and carefully formulated to promote a legal, safe alternative to Delta 9 marijuana. They are grown and extracted in the USA. Because our CBD products are 100% natural and derived from the Non-GMO industrial hemp plant, they are legal for sale across all 50 states of the USA. Independently lab tested for purity and concentration; no other company has the quality and quantity of natural cannabinoids in our products for the same value! Shop our products today!

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