The regulation of similars states that a disease is cured by a medication that creates symptoms just like those the patient is experiencing. Also should you not understand this, when a person gets well on their own and happens to have taken a homeopathic potion, the potion is just not responsible for the person getting better, that’s just what occurs much of the time.

Consider the case of Zicam, a homeopathic cold treatment pulled from the market in 2009 after stories of users completely dropping their sense of smell. Homeopathy (=homoeopathy) is a branch of drugs originated in Germany in 1794, which relies on the principle of The Regulation of Similars. Unfortunately, it’s primarily nothing more than distilled water and its use as a substitute for conventional medicine can, in some circumstances, be harmful and even deadly. While it’s controversial because of the extremely diluted nature of homeopathic medicines, …