Pasukan Sukarelawan Homeopathy Malaysia yang di ketuai oleh Prof Dr Nik Omar telah berkhidmat dimerata tempat diseluroh dunia, khususnya disekitar negara-negara Asia. Natrum muriaticum: cold begins with a lot sneezing; nasal discharge like uncooked egg white or boiled starch, with copious move, or nostril may be stopped up; lack of smell and style; lips try to cracked, pores and skin cut up at corners of mouth, may have chilly sores round mouth; blue mood, weepy, worse, from or irritated by sympathy or consolation; worse from heat, lying down, noise; higher from open air, chilly tub, going without common meals.
I gave him some homeopathic treatments early on when it was simply starting, and switched to traditional fever reducers when his temp went on up.
Once I took him to the doctor on name, he was from India. This Homeopathic medication could also be given to sufferers in whom the …